For so many, the past few days have centered around old family recipes, football, cheese balls, sausage balls, merriment, naps, Mylanta, leftovers, more cheese balls, more sausage balls, more merriment, more naps, followed by even more Mylanta. But more than anything it has centered around being with those we love. It has centered around conversations & laughter & stories & toasts & smiles & seeing those faces we hold dear.
My wife and I love entertaining guests. We always have. And we’ve always felt incredibly fortunate that people want to come. Growing up as a minister's son, my family was always having someone over for dinner; "Go to church to nourish your soul, come to the house after to nourish your body." I think it was this idea of nourishment that I latched onto. This idea of giving of yourself to others and providing a place for people to interact, eat, drink, discuss, and in general, have a great time. There's also something about having the opportunity to serve our friends that we love. By nourishing them, they in turn nourish us.
But this idea goes beyond the walls of our apartment. Our desire to serve, to nourish, to fellowship, are also the reasons we at Theatre East choose to produce. To have people come be guests at our table and truly partake in what we can only hope is a sumptuous banquet. To be engaged, to be moved, to enjoy, to dream, to question, to hope, to laugh, to love and yes, sometimes even to hate. And then come back for seconds! (You know what I’m talking about—no one likes having the dish that has plenty left over after a meal!) We are indeed so thankful that you have come to our table. We set it for you. Thank you for the conversations. Thank you for sharing in the stories. And thank you for allowing us to host. Our most fervent hope is that you leave feeling nourished.
Jane Howard said, "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." We believe this to be true and whether it’s our mainstage productions or educational programming or reading series or mixers, we’re constantly taking steps to provide opportunities for us to interact and provide for our community. So on the weekend of this Thanksgiving holiday, we would like to take this moment, raise a glass, look across the table and thank you for being with us and for allowing us to be a part of your community.